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Landing Site Design – Giving Your Visitors More Freedom to Convert

Landing pages are of course a vital part to any SEM/PPC campaign, but one thing that can be limiting with them is that they are very specific and need to be simple so that the visitor is given exactly what they are searching for. But what about cases where your Pay Per Click traffic is of a more general nature, or you’re unsure as to which “call to action” is going to be the most effective for your business? Well, then you’re probably going to be better off setting up what’s called a landing site instead.

Landing sites are simple websites, with several pages, that present the visitor with several opportunities to convert. Much like a landing page, in order to access the full site, the visitor must at least opt into taking the first step in converting for you. The multiple pages will contain information tied to specific offers, and forms custom created for those offers. You can still put a healthy amount of information on these pages and give your visitors some navigation choices, but ultimately they must start to convert for you to see the full site.

These landing sites work extremely well with people looking to buy expensive items, as the multiple pages give you several chances to establish yourself as an authority on what you’re selling. These pricey products often carry a lengthy research phase with them, so having the extra marketing real estate to deliver that info really helps gain the trust of potential clients.

Should you have any specific questions about landing site design, how it can drive you more business, and examples, we would be happy to provide you with a free initial consultation.

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