Unless you’re in the business of selling antique soap dispensers, your competitors are aggressively marketing through sponsored search (the results that show up above, to the right, and even below the natural, or “organic” listings). It’s critical not to let them dominate that stream of advertising and brand themselves at your expense, especially if you have a new site that won’t rank naturally for months.
What you can do with PPC/SEM campaigns is level the playing field by immediately getting your branding, products, and service out there with first-page recognition via the search engines. Our website is filled with lots of helpful suggestions for setting up your own campaigns, which can be done properly if you have the will, technical and marketing ability, and the time to invest into it. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need professional assistance. We’d be happy to set up a free initial consultation with you to assess your business goals and what would work best to meet them.
Aggressive Small Business Marketing Through SEM at BigSERP.Com
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